If you believe you have unclaimed property at CEFI, please contact our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-800-246-1203. Requests for a search of our unclaimed property database may also be forwarded in writing to:
Children’s Education Funds Inc.
Attention: Unclaimed Property Administrator
3221 North Service Rd.
Burlington, ON L7N 3G2
You will be required to provide appropriate documentation, as determined by CEFI, to validate your status as the owner, heir, assignee or interested party to any unclaimed property held at CEFI.
For Quebec Residents
You can conduct a search directly on the Revenu Quebec website: Unclaimed Property | Revenu Québec
For Alberta Residents
You can download an application form from the Government of Alberta website:
Unclaimed Property | Alberta.ca
For British Colombia Residents
You can conduct a search directly on the British Columbia Unclaimed Property Society (BCUPS) website: Search Unclaimed Property | BC
For New Brunswick Residents
Starting in mid-2023 you can conduct a search directly on the provincial FundsFinderNB website: FundsFinderNB